sink in

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sink in

英 [siŋk in]

美 [sɪŋk ɪn]

sink in基本解释

下陷; 被吸收,被了解; 陷落


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1. become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions

e.g. It dawned on him that she had betrayed him
she was penetrated with sorrow

Synonym: clickget throughdawncome homeget acrosspenetratefall into place

2. pass through

e.g. Water permeates sand easily

Synonym: percolatepermeatefilter

1. 终于被充分理解;终于被完全领悟
When a statement or fact sinks in, you finally understand or realize it fully.

e.g. The implication took a while to sink in.

1. 被了解:sink down 沉落 | sink in 被了解 | sink into absurdity 做荒唐事

2. 渗进去,被理解:single out选出,挑出 | sink in渗进去,被理解 | sit for参加

3. 被理解,被理会:shrug up 对......满不在乎,对......不屑一顾 | sink in 被理解,被理会 | sniff out 发觉,发现

4. 被理解:sink in 被理解 | leave vt.使;离开;留下 | implication n.结果,影响;含义

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold.(我身陷泥潭中,找不到立足点。)
"It just didn't sink in at the time," Zidane said recently. "at the final whistle I said to myself 'Wow." World champion?(“当时还有点懵,”齐达内最近说道,“终场哨声响起,我对自己说,‘喔,这就世界冠军了?”’)
He paused to let the irony of this sink in.(他停顿一下,以便让大家领会其中的讽刺意味。)
As this realisation began to sink in, my surface fears began to fade away by themselves.(随着对这个认识地不断加深,我的那些表面上的恐惧就都自己消失了。)
It felt like a miracle at first, until the reality of what had happened began to 20 sink in.(一开始,感觉就像出现了奇迹一般,后来这一切在现实中对我造成的影响渐渐显现。)
The implication took a while to sink in.(这个含意过了一会儿才被领会。)
And if we stop moving forward, we sink in the water, like sharks.(像鲨鱼一样,假如有一天没力气向前冲了,我们就会沉入水中。)
Wood does not sink in water; it floats.(木头在水中不沉,而是漂在水面。)
I soak my bras in the sink in a gentle liquid designed for hand washing or Ivory Snow.(我把文胸完全浸泡在温和的手洗用洗涤液或IvorySnow中。)
The full scale of the disaster has yet to sink in.(人们还没有完全意识到这场灾难的严重程度。)
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